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DSE and home working  policy

The Covid-19 outbreak has fundamentally changed the way in which we work and has brought a quick re-adjustment to our working practices in terms of workplace and interaction with teams and individuals.


Where possible many businesses saw most of their staff working from home and not being able to monitor working arrangements, including occupational health. These arrangements may be long term as the industry reconsiders working practices as COVID 19 remains an emergency.


What do I need to do?


As an employer, you need to identify Display Screen Equipment (DSE) users then risk assess their activities and working environment to meet expectation set in Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.


Whilst you are instructing people to work from home a DSE assessment is advisable for all team members, as if they weren’t before, they would definitely be classed as DSE users now. 


If you find that any of your teams has a pre-existing medical condition/protected characteristic or vulnerability then reasonable adjustments will need to be made.


ORSA Projects Limited 

1 Heddon Street,




Tel: +44 (0)20 3884 7105

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